Articles, Research & Recipes

Five Seasons Blog

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Pregnant woman with belly showing from the side, close-up - head cropped out

So You’re Pregnant (Or Might Be!) And Caught A Cold. Here’s 5 Tips You Need To Know

Did you know that when a woman is pregnant, her immune system undergoes fluctuations in response to changing fetal demands, usually making her more susceptible ...
woman's head resting sideways on bed with one eye peering over sheets
Chinese herbal medicineChinese Herbal Medicine

Feminine Health & Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Innovative Meeting in Forbes Article Featuring Five Season’s, Sharon Yeung, LAc.

With the increased melding of modern wellness techniques with traditional medicine wisdom, we are seeing the advent of innovative feminine products that can meet a ...
A Woman with a short bob and a grey beret leaning on her arm on top of the cafe table with a notebook and latte.
Chinese Herbal MedicineGeneral Wellness

If You Have Any of These Symptoms, You Could Have Iron Deficiency

An Overlooked Condition in Western Medicine and the Important Role it Plays in Traditional Chinese Medicine A recent New York Times article highlights a concerning ...
Chinese Herbal MedicineFood & Nutrition

What’s Blooming (and Fruiting!) Now: Autumn

What’s Blooming (and Fruiting!) Now: Autumn  Our local medicinal plant series continues as we move into the fall, with fewer flowers and more fruits, and ...
Tiger Lilly, Sotted Orange flowers
AcupunctureChinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese Herbs at Your NYC Doorstep (Part 3) 

Chinese Herbs at Your NYC Doorstep (Part 3) What’s Blooming Now: Late Summer July & August As we enter the hot humid days of late ...
Central Park Smoke
AcupunctureChinese Herbal Medicine

Chinese Medicine Lung Health for Poor Air Quality

Nourishing Your Lungs during an Extreme Poor Air Quality Event By Erin Kennedy   How can you take care of your lungs while smoke envelopes ...
Violet flowers with the stems peaking out
Chinese Herbal Medicinechinese herbs

Chinese Herbs At Your NYC Doorstep (Part 2)

Chinese Herbs At Your NYC Doorstep (Part 2) What’s “Blooming” Now: Late Spring / Early Summer- May & June Consider this your prescription to get ...
Magnolia Flowers in bloom on the tree with an overall warm tone to the photo
AcupunctureChinese herbal medicine

Chinese Herbs At Your NYC Doorstep (Part 1)

Chinese Herbs At Your NYC Doorstep (Part 1)   What if you could stroll around New York City and pick your own Chinese medicinal herbs? ...
Rumi rose

Rumi’s Guest House

Reflection on Rumi   Rumi is a Sufi mystic and a 13th-century Persian poet whose poetry speaks of love which infuses the world. I recently ...
Acupuncturebone broth

Bone Broths: Part 2 (Recipes!)

My husband and I have different approaches to broth. His passion for broth is all about flavor. My passion for broth is all about the ...

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