So You’re Pregnant (Or Might Be!) And Caught A Cold. Here’s 5 Tips You Need To Know
Did you know that when a woman is pregnant, her immune system undergoes fluctuations in response to changing fetal demands, usually making her more susceptible
Articles, Research & Recipes
Did you know that when a woman is pregnant, her immune system undergoes fluctuations in response to changing fetal demands, usually making her more susceptible
We are often asked, “What is the fifth season in Five Seasons Healing?” This season is called late summer, and fortunate for us, we’re deep
With the increased melding of modern wellness techniques with traditional medicine wisdom, we are seeing the advent of innovative feminine products that can meet a
According to Chinese medicine philosophy, each year is divided into five seasons—spring, summer, late summer, autumn, and winter–each linked to a unique elemental energy. When we eat peas in the spring and pumpkin in the fall, or play under the sun in the summer and cozy up to a fire in the winter, we are attuned to the earth’s natural rhythms. Just as different seasons call for distinct forms of care, so do the different seasons of our lives.
According to Chinese medicine philosophy, each year is divided into five seasons—spring, summer, late summer, autumn, and winter–each linked to a unique elemental energy. When we eat peas in the spring and pumpkin in the fall, or play under the sun in the summer and cozy up to a fire in the winter, we are attuned to the earth’s natural rhythms. Just as different seasons call for distinct forms of care, so do the different seasons of our lives.