With the tools of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, along with a deep well of knowledge of dietary and lifestyle therapies that benefit pregnant women, we help safeguard pregnancies and ease women through the many physical and emotional changes of each trimester. From morning sickness to labor preparation, Chinese medicine is a remarkably gentle yet effective tool for addressing many symptoms that arise during pregnancy.
Common Pregnancy Conditions we see:
- Miscarriage Prevention
- Morning Sickness
- Fatigue
- Colds and Sinus Congestion
- Anxiety and Stress
- Insomnia
- Anemia
- Constipation
- Heartburn
- Hemmorhoids
- Gestational Diabetes
- Preeclampsia
- Low/High Amniotic Fluid
- Varicose Veins
- Edema
- Back and Body Pain
- Sciatica
- Breech Presentation
- Labor Preparation
Maternal Health
We love caring for a new mom so that she can care for her new baby. According to the principles of Chinese medicine, during childbirth a mother quite literally gives away much of her vital energy. Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine can support, heal and strengthen a new mother during the post-partum period.
Common Post Partum Conditions we see:
- Body Aches and Pain
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Constipation
- Fatigue
- Mastitis
- Insufficient Lactation
- Hemmorhoids
- Healing from Incisions
- Sweating
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"Sharon has been with me throughout my entire journey to becoming a mother. I started after an early miscarriage, and through the assistance of acupuncture and herbs we achieved pregnancy quickly. She supported me through my pregnancy when I had serious hip pain. I had a very difficult postpartum period, and unfortunately, my milk supply was low and I went to Sharon for lactation support. Sharon is wise, caring, and very skilled and would recommend her for fertility treatment, pregnancy support, and lactation support."
"Sharon has been a true support through my journey to become pregnant and throughout my first trimester. It's been invaluable to have someone treating me holistically and keeping both my physical and emotional well being in mind, at a time when my healthcare can feel split among so many different places and people. Sharon is caring and patient (and fun!) and always leaves space to listen and discuss whatever's going on at the beginning of each session, and then thoughtfully addresses the current issues. The other staff and facilities are also great and create a simple, calming environment. I leave feeling relaxed and cared for. I would recommend Sharon and Five Seasons to anyone!"
"Sharon and the other practitioners at Five Seasons Healing are amazing. I have been seeing Sharon for 4+ years and she has helped me with so many things from colds and allergies to conception. In the last 2.5 years Sharon has supported me while trying to conceive and I ultimately think that it's thanks to her that I was able to naturally. I have had a wonderful pregnancy, feeling great with good energy and low adverse symptoms. I know that both my treatments and my herbs prescribed have made all the difference in my experience. I am very grateful to get to work with them each week."
"Simply put, Sharon is an amazing, knowledgeable, effective & compassionate healer... not to mention, an absolute joy to work with! She's been extremely helpful throughout my pregnancy navigating & combatting the usual aches and pains, while also proactively leading me down a path of overall wellness. I feel grateful to know her and encourage others to see her as well!"
"I owe my healthy happy pregnancy to Sharon! I have had a lot of practitioners in my years (in SF, LA and NY) and she is by far the most knowledgeable in both Eastern and Western methods."